New work

I don't seem to get consistent time always to think about starting a new lino...but when I get a run of a few days, like now, I make the most of it!

First bits of carving going in, using some white acryic to highlight where the very lightest parts are going to be, the initial drawings are done in a waterproof fineliner, it doesn't stay put always, but is normally visible for atleast one ink layer. 

First ink layer

second ink layer

the third inking, some in this lovely mustard yellow, and the rest in a burnt orange.

So far so good... for me there is definitely an element of experimenting when I mix colours, I knew that the oranges would work well against the pale blue, but I'll have to work carefully on the next step.

I am in my happy place when time allows and I get the chance to work on a new print.  I have another piece of lino mounted up and ready to go and hopefully next week will get a chance to start it.... I think farm anaimals may take over from the heavily bird-themed path I've been this space!


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