
I always like it when September begins, it always feels like an excellent time to make new plans...that new year feel without waiting for January.

Two for Joy

So my small studio space, doubles/triples (and more) up for lots of things, and while I'm doing one thing, I am often thinking of another.  This morning, I spent a happy couple of hours printing the first layer on my new reduction lino 'Two for Joy' then the afternoon, I worked a bit more on the acrylic painting on the easel.

Most of my recent paintings have been oils, and I had almost forgotten how quickly acrylics dry, but I do love to paint and this was so enjoable.  Even though my studio is small, a bit of a jiggle around this afternoon, gave me the space I needed, I have got a small itch to sew, but I think that might be pushing it at the moment, without having to pack a few things away completely...perhaps when I finish this current lino project.

I have applied to do a couple of craft fairs in the next few months, I'm really enjoying the opportunity to speak to people about my work and explain the process of printmaking.  Perhaps these next months will give new chances to do just this and gain some new customers keen to buy a piece of my painted or printmaking artwork.


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