Going forward....

For the past fifteen months I have been working as a primary school LSA.  It started out as a part-time placement and then I was lucky to have my contract extended to a full-time position.  

The masters in Illustration I had started with Falmouth, unfortunately was one of the things that had to give with all the upheaval of 2021 and all felt a little adrift with my artwork.

At the beginning of 2022, I decided I was going to apply to do a PGCE tagging on top of my degree in Design with the thought of becoming a primary school teacher.  This is not such an unforseen direction, as I previously worked as a teaching assistant and when I returned to working in a school, I felt like I'd come home.

After my interview and following, the offer of a place, I spent some months thinking through whether this was the right step forward.  I'm not the best person for making decisions! 

So in September, I begin a PGCE(Primary) with UWTSD.  

My time to paint or print is sporadic....I know full well that the career I am venturing into, is not great for freeing-up spare time, but I really do hope to create some sort of balance.....somehow!

I find it so disappointing that the things that I really felt made me tick, are the things that are hard to prioritise now.

These are the beginnings of the first painting I have done in.....well, it must be over a year.... it feels a little unfamiliar, but everything has to start again somewhere...I'm not sure what is more succesful, the painting or the new running plan I've begun after a two year break!

Going forward with the painting and the running....slowly!


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