September is looming
September is just around the corner and that to me means, new pens, new plans, new paper to write the new plans on.
My school days have clearly not really left me and I always find myself beginning to think about the things I want to achieve, somehow for me, it is probably a better time to make resolutions than in January.
So I am about to begin the third and final year of my degree....this is exciting and a little sad, all rolled into one. As a mature student, I have made sure that I have eked out every opportunity that I have wanted and have become a constant bore talking about how much I enjoy every day. I love the pressure, tutoring and inspiration and without this course I almost certainly would not have rediscovered all the things I am doing now.
I have a dissertation to write before the end of the year and that is dipping in and out of my thoughts most days. There will be two creative projects when I return to get my teeth into, one of which I have also been mulling over in the past few weeks.
Today I have had a day of printing and lucky is that!
The photo shows the first two colours in a reduction linocut of a tiny alleyway in Corfu Old Town.
The photo that I am using as a reference shows a balcony that reminded me of a John Piper painting. It will be the first time that I have done a print using extender to produce more subtle colours. I am keen to see how it will develop.....but must remember to take my time, save making a stupid mistake.
My painting from a few days ago, is sitting it out for a short while so that I can look at it with fresh eyes next week hopefully. It has moved on a bit from the above photograph with more detail on the structure of the ship.
It has been lovely to get the paints out again.....more familiar ground, but still challenging.
Here is to a wonderfully productive September!
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